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Commercial Arbitration

International corporations, investors and public entities rely on our skill set in navigating all stages of domestic and cross-border disputes. As a cost effective, time-saving and more predictable alternative to litigation, arbitration is often the prevailing choice for settling disputes, especially when they transcend national boundaries. Our internationally trained professionals draw on extensive experience in the key arbitral centres, where they have acted as counsels and arbitrators under all major international arbitration rules. This enables them to effectively implement arbitration clauses, successfully advise and represent you in arbitration or hybrid proceedings and provide you with expert support in enforcing or setting aside of arbitral awards. As seasoned arbitrators, they also stand ready to provide guidance on selecting suitable arbitrators and to assess the possible impact of the appointment of a particular arbitrator upon your case.
Vavrovsky Heine Marth
Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Office Vienna
Fleischmarkt 1
1010 Vienna, Austria
Office Salzburg
Mozartplatz 4
5020 Salzburg, Austria
Office Linz
Marienstraße 10a, Top I-15
4020 Linz, Austria